My Other Garden
So as most of you know, I do the majority of my gardening over at my old house (the brief story of why told here.) But I love plants and gardening so much that I just couldn't bear the idea of not having something to play with on a daily basis. So I improvised and made a mini garden that fits in a small space in our backyard. I keep it up on a table so that the lawn service can get around it easily, and it also makes it a good height for plucking and inspection.
It consists mostly of herbs, but I also have some cat grass growing (in bottom photo) and also some morning glories that haven't gotten any blooms on them yet. We have lavender, rosemary, sage, basil, oregano, thyme, parsley, cilantro, and mint at our finger tips at all times, which is perfect for summer cuisine. I of course also have my trusty Big Red garden stake watching over all the plants making sure that everything grows well.
I'm also growing a growbot... a Mr. Growbot to be exact. Just kidding, but we are growing some cherry tomatoes as well. We have one plant of yellow cherries and another of red cherries- perfect for a little color and flavor on a salad. We also have already had some beneficial visitors to our mini garden:
Our little lady bug friend just stopped by for a moment (long enough to get a photo!), but hopefully there are more from where she came from. Here's why.
Until next time.
-Mrs. Growbot
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